In this post from this blog a while back and this post that I put up here about local photography, I mentioned that I occasionally get stuck in a creativity rut when shooting locally. Then I stumble across some great subject matter that pulls me out of it and I again appreciate the photo opportunities that are right in my own area.
It's easy to think that the grass is always greener for the photographers who are lucky enough to have easy daily access to really great photo opportunities like the National Parks, spectacular cities and coastlines, etc. I don't have easy access to those things without traveling a bit. But you know what? Sometimes you just have to make the best of what you have and free your shooting eye to seeing the possibilities all around your own area.
Nothing has said this better recently than this great little eBook that I just read called "Close To Home: Finding Great Photographs In Your Own Backyard". The eBook is only $5 in PDF format and it's filled with really compelling and motivational viewpoints from the author (Stuart Sipahigil) about finding inspiration and shooting in your home town . In addition to that, the book is filled with Stuart's great looking full color photos.
This book is worth the price just to set your head straight when approaching shooting in your local area. The great pictures and personal insight from Stuart are the icing on the cake. Highly recommended!
And while you're at it, you might want to check out the other small and very reasonably priced eBooks from Craft & Vision. I think they're all $5 each, and if Stuart's book is any indication of the quality, then they're probably all good. Enjoy!
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